Get Outdoors and Catch em' all
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go is an app where you walk around in the real world to find in game creatures known as Pokémon. As you walk around in the real world, you get in game benefits. This app can be used no matter where you are in the world.

Getting Started
When you first open the app, you will be allowed to choose a starting Pokémon. After choosing your 'starter' the rest of the game will open up to you. You can click on the Pokémon that appear around you. Doing so will open a mini game that allows you to catch them. As you walk around, you will find new Pokémon and new types of Pokémon. If you are by a beach, you will find water type Pokémon most often. If you are in a desert, you will find more fire types.
Teams and Fighting
Anyone that has played Pokémon games in the past will tell you that fighting is the biggest part of the games. At level five (you level up by catching Pokémon and playing the game) you can choose a team. Once you choose your team, you battle to help your team. You and your teammates will defend areas called gyms. You can defeat enemy and protect ally gyms. Depending on how long you can defend a gym, you will get coins. Coins can be used to buy upgrades and cosmetics.
There are many events to keep you interested in the game. An example of this would be an event called a 'raid'. These are events that happen at gyms that give you a chance at getting a rare and power Pokémon. Events like these will also get you out of the house, potentially to explore an area you haven't seen before.

More outdoor apps for your consideration
While at your local park, consider spending time with the iNaturalist app. This has the ability to:
• Explore nature through pictures
• Connect with others via identification
• Earn badges for using the Seek Camera app
For more information, go here.

For general outdoor activities, you can decide on a SciStarter project based on your interest. Benefits include:
• Lots of organizations and apps listed
• You pick what topic you want to be a part of • Share your experiences
You can find out about SciStarter and it's mission here.
If you're out under the night sky, there's a fantastic Apple app called Sky Guide. It works on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple watch. Check it out here. Seeing the constellations laid out without the use of a telescope is not only super convenient, but also brings the excitement of knowing what you're looking at. It's also a great learning opportunity for little ones.