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South Mountain Preserve

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Judith Tunell Accessible Trail at South Mountain Environmental Educational Center.


The reason for our visit to South Mountain Preserve and the Environmental Educational Center was to explore The Judith Tunell Trail. This is an accessible trail, with options to rest while taking in the mountainside. This area comes up to trails like Box Canyon Loop.

At the entry of the trail marker, it states that “This trail is dedicated to Judith Tunell, whose energy and ability know no limits.“

Our starting point was going through the South Mountain Environmental Educational Center courtyard. You can take your time viewing plants, plaques, and even a statue before beginning. We saw yellow butterflies which we were able to snap a picture of. Next, the path to the trail is clear and well marked.

As you decide to enter the trail, there is an interpretive loop you won’t want to miss. Here you’ll find petroglyphs and viewable wildlife homes in large stacked rocks. It’s great for photographing.

With cameras out, Team G.O.T. had a unique experience at this petroglyph site. While coming up to the ramada located here, we heard rustling coming from a closed trash bin. We were able to safely remove the bin’s top which cued a chipmunk to leap out and run into an adjacent rock pile. It showed us again that there’s an adventure in simply putting ourselves outside.

Continuing on, once you come to a painted bridge you’ll know you’ve reached The Challenge Loop. There is a nice view of downtown Phoenix from this bridge area. On both loops there are ramadas. You’ll also notice whether hanging around the Environmental Educational Center, or on the trail, drinking opportunities for both people and their pups are plentiful, as well as shade. Experience South Mountain comfortably in as little as an hour or take a piece of the day to explore this peaceful spot. To everyone who loves landscape views and admiring petroglyphs, this is your kind of place to explore.

To get to the trailhead, head to the South Mountain Environmental Educational Center at 10409 S Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85042. South Mountain trails info can be found here.



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